1/2 cup salted butter, softened
3/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 package (10 oz) Andes Creme de Menthe Baking Chips
2 2/3 cups flour

Blend butter, sugars, baking soda, baking powder, vanilla and eggs until mixed. Stir in Andes Baking Chips and then flour. Chill approximately one hour in refrigerator. Measure out approximately 1 oz of dough. Form ball and slightly flatten. Raise oven rack one level above middle and bake on non-stick baking pans.

I didn't chill the cookie dough. I assumed that was in the recipe just to make it easier to roll into balls (chilled dough is much easier to make cookies with!) but I don't have that kind of time!
What I'll do differently next time:
Thumbs up! Mom has made these before, but I never had. They were incredibly simple and really good. I made about 1 1/2 dozen of the cookies and I'll freeze the rest of the dough for later use, so that's always handy. Also, when our exterminator came over today he wasn't able to resist taking a bagful home with him. They're just too good.
This recipe actually didn't cost me anything. Mom bought the Andes mints for me when they were marked down to $1.20 and everything else came straight from my pantry. Cheap dessert choice!!